Oven cleaning tip: wipe down with a mix of bicarb soda, vinegar, salt and a...
Oven cleaning tip: wipe down with a mix of bicarb soda, vinegar, salt and a VIVA® Multi-Purpose Towel. Put some elbow grease into it!
Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a wet VIVA® Multi-Purpose Towel to cle...
Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a wet VIVA® Multi-Purpose Towel to clean your kitchen benches and get rid of bad odours.
Line your fridge shelves with VIVA® Multi-Purpose Cleaning Towel to catch a...
Line your fridge shelves with VIVA® Multi-Purpose Cleaning Towel to catch any drips, spills and leaks.
To make glass oven-doors shine like new, drench a VIVA® Multi-Purpose Towel...
To make glass oven-doors shine like new, drench a VIVA® Multi-Purpose Towel with brown vinegar and leave on the glass for an hour, then wipe dry.
Easily remove stains from your stovetop by using white vinegar and baking s...
Easily remove stains from your stovetop by using white vinegar and baking soda. Wipe with a VIVA® Multi-Purpose Towel and scrub away!